‘If I were a Chinese’
Blinded by Virtue: How Western Self-Righteousness Threatens Global Progress
BRICS: An emerging game-changing club
The expanded BRICS is creating a model where governance on global issues is shared, rather than being dominated by a superpower or a small group of Western nations.
75 Years of China’s Development: A Strong and Open Partner for the World
This guest post by Stephan Ossenkopp is published courtesy of China Focus. China has grown from a poor, backward country to a moderate one because it has recognized the success of this principle and systematically…
EU and China: Between de-risking and cooperation
This guest post, published courtesy of the CGTN Think Tank, is written by Dr. Pelagia Karpathiotaki. In recent decades, the whole world has been operating in an increasingly complex geopolitical environment with the global…
Plans for 2063 should be launched now
For centuries, Africa has been like the big tree, the fruits of which always fell behind the fence, benefiting others rather than its own people.
The World View of Olympians Versus the “Gods of Olympus”
As the Paris 2024 Olympic Games conclude, we are reminded of the Olympic spirit during this very uncertain moment in history, where the war in Ukraine, Gaza, and West Asia generally could lead to…
Third plenary session to have big impact on global development
World history is being shaped by processes and events larger, more profound and more complex than most people can imagine. One such recent event was the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee…
The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway: Three Gamechangers Enveloped in One!
Hussein Askary Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden Distinguished Research Fellow at the Guangdong Institute for International Strategies Officials from China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed a deal June 6 in Beijing for a new…
Sri Lanka in the Digital Silk Road
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China’s signature flagship project and a central pillar of diplomacy, was launched in 2013. It includes the development of various maritime and land-based infrastructure to facilitate not only…
Will Xinjiang Become the New Miracle of Eurasia?
Part 1 of series of Reports on a tour of the Uyghur Autonomous Region of China By: Hussein Askary* Vice-President of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden   “The distance between falsehood and truth is just four…
A friendly handshake between China and the United States.
Global Civilization Initiative: Rekindling the spark of reason
Article by Stephen Brawer, Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden and Distinguished Research Fellow at the Guangdong Institute for International Strategies Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the American republic, expressed his…
Are U.S.-China Relations Salvageable? Interview on Chinese Diplomacy in 2024
In the first podcast of 2024 from the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, Hussein Askary interviewed William Jones, long-time White House correspondent for the American weekly magazine Executive Intelligence Review in Washington D.C.…
Chinese Wisdom as a Tool of Global Governance: Sharing as a Concept of Economics
Hussein Askary Vice-President of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden Distinguished Research Fellow at the Guangdong Institute of Global Strategies (GIIS) The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) newspaper published this article (in Chinese translation) in…
Zambia and the Debt Trap
What is “Debt-Trap 2.0” Narrative? And Why Is Zambia the Battleground?
Hussein Askary Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden Following the publication of my article “The End of Fukuyama and Debt Trap 2.0”, many readers asked for further explanation on the difference between the…
Second Belt and Road Forum
Global Majority Supports Belt and Road Initiative: Report from The Third Belt and Road Forum in Beijing – Part Two
Hussein Askary, Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden In part one of our reports from Beijing on the Third Belt and Road Forum (BRF), we reviewed the views of the Chinese side…
The Difference Between Reality and Delusion Underscored by 3 Digits!
Hussein Askary Vice-Chairman, Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The White House staff edited the transcript of the remarks given by U.S. President Joe Biden during his meeting at the White House on September 25 with…
Why the India-Middle East-Corridor is a Fraud: A Physical-Economic Argument
Hussein Askary, Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The U.S.-backed India-Middle East-Europe Corridor (IMEC) announced during the recent G-20 Summit in India is not merely a pie in the sky but a…
Debt Trap 2.0 and The End of Fukuyama
By Michael Billington * and Hussein Askary ** Francis Fukuyama—who famously proclaimed (and last year retracted) the End of History in 1989—has now brought his omniscient insight to the international debt arena, with an article…
The BRICS Summit in Johannesburg: A Watershed Moment in Modern History – China Committed to Modernization in Africa
By: William Jones and Hussein Askary The recently concluded BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 22-24, represents a watershed moment in the course of modern history. At Johannesburg, major representatives of the Global South…
Why Should Italy Stay in The Belt And Road Initiative? Italian Former Official Answers!
There is a flurry of reports in Western media suggesting that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is “mulling exit from the Belt and Road Initiative”. But the reality is that PM Meloni has not…
Webinar Invitation: Decoupling or Bridging Civilizations?
The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden Invites you to a webinar: A Call for a Global Civilization Initiative June 28th, 2023 (9AM- 1PM Central European Time)  Registration open! While the United States and EU leaders are calling for…
The Silk Road as a Vehicle for Civilizations: How The Transfer of Chinese Papermaking to The  Islamic World Revolutionized Global Science and Culture
Hussein Askary, Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The launching by Chinese President Xi Jinping of the Global Civilization Initiative on March 15, 2023, has raised the bar of international discourse about global…
Xi’s Global Civilization Initiative May Bury The “Clash of Civilizations” and “End of History” Prophecies!
Hussein Askary (Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) American political scientist Francis Fukuyama declared in his “End of History and The Last Man” published in 1992 that the collapse of the Soviet…
Victoria Nuland in Sri Lanka mixes apples and poisonous mushrooms concerning Chinese loans and Sri Lanka's debt crisis.
U.S. Officials Continue to Mix Apples and Poisonous Mushrooms: Victoria Nuland in Sri Lanka
Hussein Askary (Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) Victoria Nuland, U.S. State Department Under Secretary for Public Affairs visited Sri Lanka this week, where she capitalized on the financial crisis of the Asian country to…
Debt-Trap 2.0: British Companies Loot Zambia, The U.S. Blames China!
Hussein Askary (Vice-Chairman, The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) After the “China debt-trap” narrative was thoroughly exposed as a fraud internationally, including through, but not limited to research made by this author, there is a…
What to Expect from China’s New Foreign Policy Team in 2023?
Hussein Askary (Belt and Road Institute in Sweden -BRIX) An article by former Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi, in Quishi Journal, the Communist Party of China’s main theoretical journal, was signed by him in…
Implications for The World: Decisions of 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Part two By Hussein Askary (Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) It is impossible to separate China’s foreign policy from its economic policy. China’s role in the world has grown proportionately with its economic growth and…
Charting the Path to The Chinese Dream: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
Part One Hussein Askary (Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) A jubilant China, that just achieved the first centennial goal of “building a moderately prosperous society in all respects” (Xiaokang in Chinese) and eradicating extreme poverty…
First China-Arab Summit: A Strategic Choice for Both Sides
By Professor Wang Guangda* [China’s President Xi Jinping will be in Saudi Arabia on December 7-9 to hold three extraordinary summits: China-Saudi Summit, China-Gulf States Summit, and China-Arab States Summit: BRIX editors] The first China-Arab summit,…
Highly Successful Webinar: The Outcome and Implications of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) organized a high-level international webinar on November 29 under the title “The Outcome and Implications of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China”.…
Putting People’s Development First Is The Only Effective Climate Strategy: China’s Green Transition as an Example
Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The ongoing COP 27 Climate Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, has become an interesting arena for a real debate about the relationship between economic development and climate resilience. The…
Friends of The Global Development Initiative Meet in New York
On the sidelines of the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 20, the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) was held in New…
Samarkand SCO Summit 2022 Demonstrates New Center of Power for Development
by Marcia Merry Baker and William C. Jones* This year’s Summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), representing around 25% of the GDP of the world with over…
The World Land-Bridge and BRI
Adherence To One-China Principle Is an Insurance Policy for Peace and Stability in Asia and The Pacific
Hussein Askary, Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The world held its breath on August 2nd and 3rd in anticipation of the reaction by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the visit to Taiwan by…
China-Africa Belt and Road Cooperation in Education: Development and Prospects
By: Shexiu Huang * and Hussein Askary** The cooperation between China and Africa in the education and skilled labor capacity building fields intersect two important aspects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). One is…
The China-EU Express Railway Roaring on: Putin Did Not Kill China’s Eurasian Dream!
Hussein Askary, The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden – BRIX The danger emanating from think tanks and intelligence agencies providing wishful thinking and propaganda rather than real and objective intelligence is that policy makers,…
Check The Facts of Sri Lanka’s Debt Crisis: No Chinese Debt-Trap!
Hussein Askary, Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden June 10, 2022 As in the the case of Pakistan, which we reviewed last month, Sri Lanka’s debt crisis and financial problems have been augmented…
Pakistan Debt Crisis: China and Belt and Road Are The Solution, Not The Cause!
Hussein Askary, The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden. A new wave of the thoroughly debunked fake narrative of “China debt-trap” is trying to make a fresh return in Western media, taking advantage of the…
Focus on Infrastructure Building Makes the Belt and Road Unique
Hussein Askary (The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) On April 26, Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is also the Director of the Central Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs (CCFEA), chaired the 11th meeting…
President Xi Offers Global Security Initiative as Humanity Reaches a Crossroads: Four Initiatives in One
Hussein Askary The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden In his keynote speech at the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) on the 21st of April, China’s President Xi Jinping proposed  a new Global Security Initiative, not…
Video: Belt and Road of Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation: Tale of Two Villages in China and Tanzania
How does a village in the proverbial “middle of nowhere” leapfrog from the conditions close to the Middle Ages into the 21st century and the center of world connectivity in the matter of 4…
Will The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Fall Victim to Turmoil in Pakistan?
Hussein Askary (Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX), through discussions with well-informed sources in Pakistan, China, and Europe reached certain conclusions regarding the fate of…
The Inside Story of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Dialogue with Economist Justin Yifu Lin
The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden is happy to present one of the most transparent and scientific views about China’s rationale behind proposing the Belt and Road Initiative. Professor Justin Yifu Lin is…
China-EU Summit: Differences and Agreements on Peace and Cooperation
By Hussein Askary Vice-Chairman of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The 23rd China-EU Summit took place on April 1st through video link and was in two sessions. The first session was attended by President…
The Belt and Road in Europe: Between Tragedy in Ukraine and Hope in Serbia
Before the launching of the Russian military operation in Ukraine on February 24, and even in the following two weeks, freight transport on the China-EU Express railways was reaching overcapacity and congestions were developing…
China Invites the U.S. To Join the Belt and Road Initiative
How compatible is Build Back Better World with the Belt and Road Initiative? Hussein Askary Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Feb. 28, in a video message commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communiqué,…
The Spirit of The Olympic Games Enhances Belt and Road Cooperation
The aesthetically and technically amazing opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 last week was a beautiful message of friendship and co-existence among nations of different political, cultural, and social structures united around the…
China to Expand High-Speed Rail Network to 50,000 Kilometers by 2025
The State Council of the Chinese Government released on January 19 the plan for rail development in the 14th Five-Year Plan (2022-2025). According to Chinese official media reports, in that period the Chinese government…
China’s Green Transition: Putting People’s Development and Livelihood First!
While China admits that there is a climate change caused by emissions by human society, its dealing with the effects of that climate change and how to move forward without jeopardizing the livelihood of…
China’s Foreign Policy: Peace through Development – Wang Yi on Africa Tour
Hussein Askary (The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden) China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian announced on January 1, 2022 that “continuing the tradition of Chinese foreign ministers starting every new year with a visit…
Why it is Important to Read The Mind of China’s Leaders?
Why is it important to read the mind of China’s leadership? Review of the 6th Plenary Session of The CPC’s 19th Central Committee By: Hussein Askary, The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) December 6, 2021 SUMMARY To…
Cost of war
The Costs of Destruction and Construction: Post-9/11 Wars and the Belt and Road
by Hussein Askary (Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden – BRIX) According to well-documented statistics provided by American research institutions and universities the human, economic, and financial costs of all wars…
Successful Xinjiang Webinar Brings Together Experts from China and Europe
The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) held a webinar on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, to address the economic importance of the Chinese province of Xinjiang (Uyghur Autonomous Region) for the Belt and…
G-7 Alternative to The Belt and Road: All That Glitters Is Not Gold!
The West Should Join China, Not Oppose It! By: Hussein Askary The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden   “All that glisters is not gold— Often have you heard that told. Many a man his life hath sold But my outside…
In Davos and White Paper: China Renews Commitment to the Belt and Road Initiative
By Hussein Askary The speech by President Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos on January 25th and the “white paper” issued by the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of…
China’s Lessons for the World: Transportation Holds the Key to Development
Guest commentary by William Jones * The State Council of China on December 21 issued a China_Transport_White_Paper_2020 outlining the achievements that have been reached in uniting the nation and laying out the path forward for the nation.…
China Achieves Goal of Zero Poverty – Sets New Standard for The World
By the board members of Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The Chinese government had designated the end of the year 2020 as the deadline for eliminating extreme poverty in China. On Nov. 23, authorities…
Exclusive: Guest Commentary by Ambassador of Ethiopia to Sweden, H. E. Mr. Deriba Kuma Heiy
Ethiopia’s Homegrown Economic Reform: A Road from Aid-Driven Growth to National Prosperity. Unlike some aid dependent countries, Ethiopia has persistently resisted donors driven development aid approach and donors influence on national policy formulations and practices…
The Role of Infrastructure in Ending Hunger: Ethiopia’s China-built Railway Case Study
Hussein Askary Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden The global community, as reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in July 2019, was already “off-track” in terms of reaching the UN’s Sustainable…
African Infrastructure Renaissance along The Belt and Road – Case Study: Egypt
Hussein Askary Overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its undeniable devastating effects on almost every nations’ economic and social wellbeing, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) remained alive and kicking. And, in contrast to some…
Will Unrest in Belarus Affect the Belt and Road Initiative
Is the Belt and Road Initiative a Target in The Unrest in Belarus?
It is a matter of fact that Belarus has emerged as a key nodal point for the rail traffic between the EU countries, especially in Northern Europe, and China along the New Silk Road…
Global cooperation for Fusion Power
Finding a Thermonuclear Common Ground for Humanity
ITER Fusion power Project unites world leaders around peaceful cooperation Hussein Askary The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) During the first week of August, the world commemorated the 75th anniversary of the immoral and completely…
Western Banks Not China behind Malaysia’s Corruption Scandal
By Hussein Askary Borad member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden. July 28, 2020 Trying to find any evidence of China’s involvement in corruption scandals in developing countries, like the case of Malaysia which we…
The Space Silk Road: Why Politicians Should Listen to Space Scientists!
By Hussein Askary Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden July 27, 2020 In this month of July, three nations are sending probes to explore the “red planet” Mars. The United Arab Emirates (in…
Belt and Road Updates: Two major summits in one week!
The previous week witnessed two major summits dealing with the global fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic in the context of continuing and expanding the role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a…
Lessons: China’s and West’s Post-2008 Financial Crisis Recovery Strategies
By Hussein Askary* and Paul Gallagher** Economists, think tankers and governmental institutions are fervently debating the shape of the world economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Who will be the winners and who…
World Health Assembly calls for cooperation against COVID-19
As was obvious in the speeches of WHO Secretary General Tedros and President Xi, the issue of the economic development of nations and its direct role the question of health has clearly become part…
Health Silk Road
How the Belt and Road contributes to a global healthcare system
Hussein Askary Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden May 14, 2020 As was discussed in a webinar on the Health Silk Road organized recently in the Swedish capital Stockholm by the Belt and…
Health Silk Road
Why politicizing the COVID-19 pandemic is counterproductive?
By Hussein Askary Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) As the world’s healthcare staff, researchers, and other healthcare support providers are risking their lives and spending every iota of their time…
Ambassador Gui COngyou
China’s Ambassador to Sweden Addresses webinar on Health Silk Road
Watch video here! H.E. Mr. Gui Congyou, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Sweden keynoted the webinar held by the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) under the title “The Health Silk…
Webinar on Health Silk Road
Webinar report: International cooperation is key to fighting COVID-19 pandemic
The full recording of the webinar is available on the BRIX YouTube Channel! The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) organized an extraordinary webinar was held in Stockholm, Sweden on April 29, 2020, pulling…
Webinar on Health Silk Road
Extraordinary webinar on the Health Silk Road and COVID-19 Pandemic in Stockholm
Full-length video is available here! An Extraordinary webinar was held in Stockholm, Sweden on April 29, 2020, pulling together Ambassadors, healthcare specialists, economists and think tankers from 12 countries to discuss the role of the…
BRIX letter to U.S. Ambassador: Sweden – a Workshop of Cooperation, Not a Battlefield of Geopolitics!
Open letter to the Ambassador of the United States of America to Sweden Sweden Should Be a Workshop for Cooperation, Not a Battlefield for Geopolitics! Your Excellency Mr. Kenneth Howery, Here in Sweden, like in your own…
Health Silk Road
Health Silk Road Updates 2
March 31 Developing Nations Call for New Policies to Survive COVID-19 As reported in last week’s “Health Silk Road Update” by BRIX, there are growing signs that the major powers of the world are recognizing the…
Health Silk Road
Health Silk Road updates
The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) is in the process of exploring and documenting the efforts made along the Health Silk Road around the world in the fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic.…
Guest commentary: How and why China coped with the Corona outbreak?
By Ms. Liu Jian, Co-founder of ICHI Foundation, Beijing! What we have experienced in the past two months is too dreamy, and now it seems not so real in retrospect. On January 23, the day before…
China Unleashes Health Silk Road
Hussein Askary Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden When China was fighting alone against the Corona virus in January and February, Western media mocked China and its leadership for mismanaging the health…
BRIX Members Welcome ZhenHua 33 and Golden Bridge to Stockholm
Watch video of the event! On March 11, members of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) welcomed the Chinese ship Zhen Hua 33 which arrived in the capital of Sweden Stockholm after a…
Mr. Pompeo, Africa is big enough for more than one player!
By Ronald Kato* When the United States’ secretary of state Mike Pompeo began his Africa trip in mid-February, it was clear that countering China’s influence on the continent was top of his agenda. Yet from…
The Corona Virus is Telling us: You Are One Human Race!
By Hussein Askary* If there is anything positive about the outbreak of the Novel Corona (COVID-19) epidemic / pandemic it is that we are being told that we are one human race. The level of…
Is China’s industrial production gradually coming back?
China’s Purchasing Managers’ Indices (PMIs) are published for February, and they show the dramatic nature of the economic contraction in that month. The manufacturing PMI was at 35.7 where below 50 is contraction; the…
WHO: China’s ‘Bold’ Approach Changed the Course of COVID-1
UPDATES ON THE FIGHT AGAINST CORONA VIRUS AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES The WHO-China Joint Mission, held a press conference in Geneva on February 26, upon its return from a nine-days trip to the Chinese Hubei and…
There’s no doubt China will bounce back from epidemic’s impact
By William Jones* There has been a great outpouring of sympathy for China throughout the world in the wake of the sudden outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia. The heroic efforts of the Chinese medical…
The Global Economy Needs China’s BRI More than Ever
The novel coronavirus epidemic hit a global economy which is already in a recession in terms of manufacturing, industry, and trade. The international financial system is threatened at any moment with a blowout of…
China Deserves Praise and Cooperation in the Fight against the Coronavirus
By Helga Zepp-LaRouche* The name of the German weekly magazine “Der Spiegel” actually means in English, “The Mirror.”  And indeed what you see this week on the cover page of the print version of Der Spiegel—a…
Is the EU reaping what it sowed in the Belt and Road?
In an interview with the web magazine Formiche, former Italian government minister and China expert Michele Geraci said he is not surprised with the negative report of the European Chamber of Commerce on China’s Belt…
BRIX Seminar
Updated: High-Level BRIX seminar in Stockholm “The New Africa Emerging” along the Belt and Road
Press release (2019.12.07) Seminar in Stockholm: The New Africa Emerges along the Belt & Road Top diplomats from the African Union joined the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden and the Belt and Road Institute’s (BRIX) members in a…
Ambassador Gui Congyou
China’s Ambassador Mr. Gui Congyou Keynotes BRIX Africa Seminar
Keynote speech by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Sweden, H.E. Mr. Gui Congyou at the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) seminar “The New Africa Emerging”, December 5, 2019.  Watch…
BRIX Seminar Africa
Press release on High-level BRIX seminar on Africa and the Belt and Road
Press release (2019.12.07) Seminar in Stockholm: The New Africa Emerges along the Belt & Road Top diplomats from the African Union joined the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden and the Belt and Road Institute’s (BRIX) members in a…
BRIX produce new Belt and Road report
Crowning this years’ achievements, the BRIX is happy to announce the publication of a special report on the Belt and Road Initiative. It is a summary of the principles, visions and methods involved in…