As part of a long-standing tradition of Chinese foreign policy, Foreign Minister Wang Yi embarked on an Africa tour in the first week of the new year 2021 with a visit to five nations.…
Guest commentary by William Jones *
The State Council of China on December 21 issued a China_Transport_White_Paper_2020 outlining the achievements that have been reached in uniting the nation and laying out the path forward for the nation.…
The EU and China completed the bilateral Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI) on December 30. The agreement, which has been negotiated for the last seven years, is seen as a success of the German…
By the board members of Belt and Road Institute in Sweden
The Chinese government had designated the end of the year 2020 as the deadline for eliminating extreme poverty in China. On Nov. 23, authorities…
Ethiopia's Homegrown Economic Reform: A Road from Aid-Driven Growth to National Prosperity.
Unlike some aid dependent countries, Ethiopia has persistently resisted donors driven development aid approach and donors influence on national policy formulations and practices…
ITER Fusion power Project unites world leaders around peaceful cooperation
Hussein Askary
The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX)
During the first week of August, the world commemorated the 75th anniversary of the immoral and completely…
By Hussein Askary
Borad member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden.
July 28, 2020
Trying to find any evidence of China’s involvement in corruption scandals in developing countries, like the case of Malaysia which we…
By Hussein Askary
Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden
July 27, 2020
In this month of July, three nations are sending probes to explore the “red planet” Mars. The United Arab Emirates (in…
Channel Asia Network (CAN) i Singapore har under de senaste fem åren skapat en serie videor som presenterar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Nya Sidenvägen:s start och framsteg i olika länder med titeln “New…
Confirming the early conclusions reached by the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX), a new study conducted by a renowned American research center showed that the wide-spread allegations that China is setting up…