The Belt and Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) is organizing a webinar to discuss with European and Chinese experts the dramatic changes underway in 2025. These developments, triggered partly by actions taken by President Donald Trump’s Administration, have created possibilities for genuine cooperation and friendship within the global perspective of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The question remains if the EU will take this opportunity to embrace the BRI. This would mean the final abandonment of geopolitically minded zero-sum policies which have separated Europe from Russia and China. As China’s President Xi Jinping expressed it, the nations of the world find themselves in “one boat”.
There is no question that development in manufacturing and infrastructure combined with these new innovative technologies will continue to grow and expand in those over 150 countries which have agreed to cooperate with the BRI.
If we seize the new opportunities for new technological and economic development, there will be ways for achieving common global peace and prosperity. There exist nonetheless great challenges. How will Europe, the EU, and Sweden respond to these dramatic global changes and challenges? How will Sweden and Europe respond to the emerging and rapidly growing Global South and BRICS? These are the questions we raise in this webinar.
The BRIX members believe that the Belt and Road Initiative is the appropriate framework which can facilitate increased cooperation and dialogue in 2025. There are specific steps the EU can take to position itself in a more advantageous position than the current precarious one it finds itself in.
Attend this upcoming webinar to find out what these steps are!
Attendance is free of charge, but please register first!