As the Paris 2024 Olympic Games conclude, we are reminded of the Olympic spirit during this very uncertain moment in history, where the war in Ukraine, Gaza, and West Asia generally could lead to…
World history is being shaped by processes and events larger, more profound and more complex than most people can imagine. One such recent event was the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee…
Part 1 of series of Reports on a tour of the Uyghur Autonomous Region of China
By: Hussein Askary*
Vice-President of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden
“The distance between falsehood and truth is just four…
The previous week witnessed two major summits dealing with the global fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic in the context of continuing and expanding the role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a…
Watch video of first panel!
Watch video of second panel!
In an extraordinary webinar, held on June 11, senior official and unofficial representatives of China, Italy, Portugal and Serbia discussed the issues related to cooperation along…
Full-length video is available here!
An Extraordinary webinar was held in Stockholm, Sweden on April 29, 2020, pulling together Ambassadors, healthcare specialists, economists and think tankers from 12 countries to discuss the role of the…
Open letter to the Ambassador of the United States of America to Sweden
Sweden Should Be a Workshop for Cooperation, Not a Battlefield for Geopolitics!
Your Excellency Mr. Kenneth Howery,
Here in Sweden, like in your own…
Hussein Askary
Board member of the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden
When China was fighting alone against the Corona virus in January and February, Western media mocked China and its leadership for mismanaging the health…